Julie Lowe is standing in Chesterfield, Derbyshire for The Workers Party of Britain in the General Election 2024.

Chesterfield has the honour of being an important town in Derbyshire which is the home of Socialism although it has not been evident in the last couple of decades. After Blair hijacked the labour party and changed its focus from Socialism to ‘middle of the road-ism’, working people have been purposely left behind.
Julie joined The Workers Party of Britain (WPB) firstly, because the WPB is the only permanent voice for Palestine and in particular, the people of Gaza who are being systematically eradicated on the pretext of searching for ‘Hammas Fighters’. For those of us who are long enough in the tooth this is the same old argument being spun again to justify unlawful military actions.
I stand unequivocally against Genocide.

Secondly, The Workers Party of Britain’s Manifesto clearly sets out our approach to the issues that face working people. Each part of our Manifesto is set out on its own page so you can get up to speed with what we stand for.
In short here is the 10 point programme

Julie Lowe is @WorkersPartyGB Candidate for Chesterfield
All election posts are promoted by Mick Wall on behalf of Julie Lowe, both at The Lane, Victoria Street, Brimington, Chesterfield, S43 1HY